Frequently Asked Questions
What if I’m interested in creativity and writing, but not so much in mindfulness?
For us, mindfulness and creativity are inextricably bound. But if that’s not true for you, there’s no judgment here. Like everything else, we suggest you take what you like and leave the rest. But we believe you’re here for a reason, and only you know what that is.
What if I want to write but just don’t have the time?
John Ashbery said: “It is important to write when you are in the wrong mood or when the weather is wrong.” The fact is there will always be a reason to not write - especially that there is no time.
But holding space for creativity, for the voice inside you, that’s longing to be heard, even fifteen minutes a day can open a portal. It may even change your entire perspective. Whether you use our workshops or just free write, I recommend you start with a commitment to fifteen minutes a day for thirty days.
If it still doesn’t feel right or available, stop doing it. That may be strange to read on a website that’s all about writing and creativity. Writing may not be your thing. But you definitely do have a “thing.” You do have your own unique creative gift, and following it is one path to peace. So try painting or photography or gardening or even cooking creatively. Just make a commitment to your creativity - and keep it.
There’s an old zen proverb that says you should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day, unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour. It’s the same for creative practice. Just start, and then try to stay with it until you don’t have to try anymore.
What if I buy a workshop and realize I don’t like it at first?
All prompts offered are meant merely as suggestions, to stir your creative process. If, for example, it is suggested that you make a list of things that are round, you may instead be reminded of a story you once heard about a boy who lost his marbles, and choose to write from there. Do that!
Try not to judge the material in a way that categorizes it into separate columns of “like” and “dislike.” But rather, remain open to their ability to move you. For now, just let the words spill onto the page.
To assure your satisfaction, we offer a money-back guarantee on all programs with a live component. And we are always grateful for your feedback and suggestions.
What if I’m not a woman? Not in mid-life? What if I’m not even a writer?
Though the programs and offerings here are targeted for women in mid-life, most of the material is useful for all seekers and creatives who’ve lost that creative thread, lost themselves somewhere along the way. Our programs are largely focused on writing, because writing can be such an important way to process and transform through art. But if you fall outside these parameters and our message still resonates, we’re here for you! Schedule a consultation and let’s find the best way to work together, or join a group program and we will welcome you.
What if I want to write but can’t afford a workshop?
At Pen and Portal, we believe that everyone has an important and unique voice, longing to make its way into the world. Please contact us for scholarship opportunities.